Etta James - At Last .mp3 | ||
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Yes, at last I finally got to saddle up Black Betty and take her on the road as I road in today to the first Superintendent's Conference Day.
To be honest, the day was okay. The frustrating part for me every year is attending staff meetings and discussing things that really don't apply to what I do in the classroom. I would much rather be working on new evaluation systems for theatre and dance but alas, I have to go over the new Regent's exam in English.
I am working the final weeks of my District Internship with Michael Salzman so I did get to attend part of the combined music/art department meetings as he showed them how to use "the clicker" - fascinating!
But the true highlight of my day was riding my bicycle! Its going to take a lot of "dialing in" before I have everything just right. I have to do a lot of fussing with the derailleur adjustments before I'm happy but so far I think its going to be amazing. She does seem a little lighter - but I'm a bit heavier. All of that time off the bike has taken its toll on me. Nevertheless, I am riding again and the bike is amazing. I really don't have anything else to add to this other than WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Now to get myself ready for the first week of school.
On another note, I really think I am getting more and more convinced that I will be doing the cross country ride this year. We're getting a late start on it because we weren't really sure but after this summer I think I've decided that its necessary - I need to do what I can to help these kids who are fighting so hard to survive the opportunity to just be kids for a summer.
So to that end, you two faithful followers PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE encourage other people to become followers too. Even if they don't read the blog and just delete the notification, I need to be able to show potential sponsors that I have a blog following. I can then pitch to them the idea of advertising and linking to my blog and perhaps drumming up some sponsorships that way. This is going to be an expensive prospect and I need all the help I can get to be able to afford to do this - won't you please help?
Okay, that's all for now! Stay well and I can now see you on the road!
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