"What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful."
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
So with all of this talk about recession and debt ceilings and the doings (or not doings as the case may be) of our government it makes me wonder what it takes to be happy in today's society. One school of thought is that you need to have more stuff and have all the toy and luxery items you could ever possibly desire and once you attain them you'll have happiness. Unfortunately, the pursuit of "stuff" can lead you to feel like a rat in a maze:
(And we keep on going....where's the cheese?) |
But what happens when you do get all the money and the stuff? What would you do with it? Would you purchase the
world's most expensive yacht?
(At least gold doesn't tarnish!) |
However, as I have a tendency to get seasick - a fact that causes my wife (who grew up sailing) no end of chagrin - that probably wouldn't be so feasible for me.
(I always wanted a home where I could park my 160 bikes cars) |
And I have to say it would be great to have all that space but as it is in Mumbai, India it would be a real pain to commute by bike. I'll have to pass on the house.
Ahhhhh but what about the bike? Despite Lance Armstrong's assertions in his book, sometimes it is about the bike! And this sweet little ride, priced at a mere $102,417.60, is a gold fixed-gear from Aurumania;
(Forget the teeth bling, ride this through the 'hood) |
Now I have to say I was hoping Andy Schleck would be able to pull it off! I was really rooting for him and his brother to pull off the 1-2 on the podium of the Tour but alas it looks like Cadel Evans (yes, of "touch my dog and I'll kill you" fame)
will be the winner. Despite Andy's amazing ride on Thursday he and brother Frank will take the podium 2-3 instead. So its clear that all their money and the backing of the new Leopard-Trek team did not bring them happiness.
Or, for those of you with the 160 bicycles to park in the house in Mumbai, would you prefer to have one of these little babies custom installed on your property? Would that make you happy?
So its clear that money can buy you lots of stuff? But will all the stuff make you happy?
(This guy is obviously in search of some minimalism)
Its' truly hard to tell which side of the fence George Carlin is on;
Now according to my wife, I fall into that category of having way too much stuff. Of course, I don't quite fall into the "Mythbusters" category of happiness that can be summed up in this Marine Corps bumper sticker;
(Not practical but I sure would like to shoot one - at targets, of course) |
No, I think I adhere more to the warm puppy and surrounding yourself with family school of happiness. Its taken me a long time to get there and I really am trying to be more "content" with what God (or fate, or karma or the Great Spirit or Earth Mother) have given me. Perhaps a trip back to our youth and the simplicity of "Peanuts" would be a helpful reminder;
14 Happiness (From _You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown_).m4a
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