Over the last year we've really been trying to push the presence of Connor's Army as much as we can. Its hard because there is really only Amy and myself running this group. Unlike a lot of other charities, we don't have a huge group of people behind us pounding the streets and soliciting donors or sponsors for us. I really wish we did, it would certainly make all of this much easier and we would probably be close to our goal already. I was having a "conversation" (I'm really not sure what you call it these days since so much of our communicating gets done cyberly) with Heidi Goodstadt Burian today and I was telling her how difficult it has been for us. She and a few others (Danielle, Jason, Jamie, Melanie, My Beginning Acting Class, and quite of few of my ACTers current and past) have been helping get the word out and it certainly is reflecting in our numbers. For instance, if you're reading this right now you have gotten us a step closer to 11,000 views!!!!!! I'm sorry but that deserves a trumpet fanfare;
Robert Paterson - Fanfare for Trumpet Sextet .mp3 | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Okay, so maybe that's a bit of overkill. And to be honest, I don't know if all of those views are people who actually read much of anything I write since I still only have 53 official followers and no one (except for Jason) ever comments. But still, 11,000!!!!!!
Anyway, getting back to my conversation with Heidi, its been very discouraging becuase it has just been Amy and I pushing this project along. We keep hoping and praying that someone will come along and say, "what you're doing is amazing, how can we help you!" and will help us get the sponsors and help us generate the donations that we're hoping to get. As Heidi said, "just think of yourself as The Little Engine That Could" (WARNING: THIS IS ONLY PART ONE SO YOU'LL HAVE TO CLICK ON THE LINKS TO WATCH THE WHOLE THING);
Don't get me wrong, we do have some incredible people who support us (Heidi being one of them) and we have some great sponsors. But times are hard for lots of businesses still and although there are some companies out there that really have the money, we still have yet to find one or two that can help us raise the last $5,000 in sponsorship we think we'll need to make sure we'll be able to fully do this event right. So we keep plugging along - "I think we can, I think we can, I think we can.......".
We've also not really pushed it too hard on the PR front yet though. We've been using the social network (mainly facebook) to try to get the word out but as of December 23rd we'll be SIX MONTHS FROM THE START OF CONNOR'S ARMY'S RIDE ACROSS AMERICA or CARAAM as I like to sometimes call it. So we're going to start sending out releases to papers, tv stations, magazines, everywhere we can get the word out. For instance, the picture of the magazine cover that starts this blog entry is from the August issue of Bicycle Times. And in that issue are two articles about Connor's Army. Of course we were hoping that someone would read one of those articles and be moved to come forward to sponsor us but no dice yet.
That's not to say we haven't had some strong advocates pushing for us. Jason Lederman has been one of the most "vocal" of our supporters. Some of it has been in his vlog, "Late Night With Jason Lederman";
Here's one from our Victory ride 2010;
And here's a video that he did for Project for Awesome 2010;
And I try to take advantage of any chance I can to get the word out. This past summer the family and I took a trip to Mystic Seaport in Mystic, CT and while we were there they had an attraction called "Tall Ships and Tattoos". It was great time had by the entire family and at the compound was an exhibit about the development of tattoos as a mode of personal expression for sailors. At the exhibit they were filming people telling the story about their tattoos and since Sarah thinks my "tat" is so cool, she insisted I do the interview;
And of course I couldn't resist the chance to plug Connor's Army.
And two years ago I relied upon the combined talents of Phil Rosenberg, Dan Kahn, and Daniel Incalcaterra (and I think Saleem Gondal may have had a hand in this) to create a video for Bicycling Magazine's "I Need A New Bike" competition. Basically our whole gist was, I don't need a fancy carbon racer, I just need something that will get me from San Diego to Long Island in one piece without breaking down;
Unfortunately, it didn't win. Although I have put the offer out to my brother in law that if he can find a way through his connections to convince Giant Bicycles to donate a cyclocross bike (or even a frame and fork combo) for the cross country ride, I would wear a NEW YORK GIANTS logo on my jerseys the entire 3600 mile ride! Now for a die-hard DALLAS COWBOYS fan, that is a sacrifice but I will do it for the kids! (Okay, so are there any big wigs out there with some pull that want to see me humiliated for 3600 miles?)
And jus the other day we started our latest barrage of PR work when Jason (and Justin Tasolides for a small while who admitted he loves my blog but it keeps crashing his browser) dropped by for a visit. At the end of the visit Jason had managed to shoot some new video footage and using the geniurs editing skills that he has been developing while he's been away at Northwestern. He really worked hard on it and even though we didn't get it in with enough time to really have people vote for it, it gets us out there and it shows what Connor's Army is about and what we're trying to do and every little bit helps;
What I think it all boils down to is that this process of finding people to sponsor us and to donate is a hit or miss process. We just have to keep putting it out there and hope that someone will feel called in their heart to help us in some financial manner. Heidi and the Burian clan have been truly financially generous as have many of my other friends and family members. Syosset High School is starting to help with various fundraisers and with any luck we'll be able to raise $6,000 through the combined efforts of different student groups. That would be enough for ONE CAMPER FOR EIGHT WEEKS!
And my darling, wonderfully giving Sarah has decided that for her 13th birthday (yes, can you believe it, THIRTEEN!) she wants to to do a Mitzvah project even though she's not having a Bat Mitzvah. And yes, even though her entire life seems to have been one large Mitzvah, she has decided she wants to throw a fund raiser benefit for Sunrise Day Camp and with any luck we'll be able to raise another $3,000. She continues to amaze and humble me every day.
Jamie Blanch and her friends at UNO Fights Cancer have been incredibly supportive and have done a few bake sales to benefit Connor's Army. I'm continuing to sell refurbished bicycles through my RECycle for Sunrise project. I have a student who wants to sell bracelets for Connor's Army - its all adding up slowly but surely and I'm starting to feel hope that this might happen.
But Amy and I can't do it alone, we need help. And no, this is not for my own narcissistic needs. Honestly, if there were a way to get publicity about htis without ever mentioning my name I would do it. If someone would donate the $50,000 to me to do this if I would do it without ever putting my name to it, I would do it. If you could see what Sunrise means to the kids that attend it you would understand. Its not about me, its not about you - its about them.
So, if you've read this far I thank you. I thank you for being supportive enough to "listen" to what I have to say. I thank you for being supportive enough to help us get closer to 11,000 views, and I thank you for possibly passing on the idea of Connor's Army to others - who knows your mentioning it to someone else may be the spark that ignites a flame in someone's soul - a burning desire to help us help the kids.
And now, your reward for making it to the end, Freddie Mercury and Queen performing "Bicycle Race";
And there you have it - we're coming over the airwaves and we're after sending eight kids to camp! Help us if you can.
Stay well and I'll see you on the road!
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