Friday, April 8, 2011

Living Every Moment

Okay, for those of you not up on your Korean let me translate at least the title of the show the above advertisement is plugging - it means "Enjoy Life" and although I've never seen an episode of the show (my Korean is not THAT good) it is the story about the love and married life of six married couples who are pigeonholed into six types of marital relationships!   I'm not really sure what about that they are supposed to enjoy but the point does remain - whatever your life is, it is much to short not to enjoy it to the best of your ability.

Of course, you could go the entirely hedonistic route and follow the advice of this guy;

I'm really not sure what he's watching, could it be "The New Adventures of Cat Woman"?  But I will say this, if you're going to go to the trouble of getting your cat drunk, at least give him decent beer - c'mon Bud Light is just a step up from PBR!

So, despite the fact that my cycling fitness right now is at an all time low due to my class schedule this semester and not being able to ride nearly as much as I would like, I'm still trying to enjoy myself.  Of course my fitness level is completely in the toilet and to use our cat metaphor again, it leaves me feeling a bit like this;

or, perhaps to use a more human analogue, I feel like this;

Now, since my fitness level is completely in the toilet, perhaps I could pull myself out of it by getting one of these;

Now the gear ratio doesn't look great and it would probably be a real pain in the ass to climb up hills with, but at least the pain could be relieved rather quickly.

Of course, if I really wanted to enjoy life while on the toilet I could just get a setup like this one;

If it only had a fridge and a microwave next to it I would probably never leave.  But that in itself would mean I could never enjoy a feast of this magnitude;
since I'm not sure how I could keep a burger that immensely perfect from dropping on myself while sitting in my lavoratory!  And that just adds to the lamentations one would feel at living on a toilet no matter how amazingly outfitted as eloquently stated by D.O.I.;

D.O.I. - Living in a Toilet .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Or even as voiced by The Midgetmen;

The Midgetmen - Toilet Seat Is Still Down .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Or heaven forbid you sit on a Stone Toilet;

Taut Blue Quality - Stone Toilet .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

now that would leave a mark!  But I guess it's not as voyeristic as sitting on a plexiglass one;

Now where did all of this toilet humor come from?  Well, as my wife will assure anyone who she can tell, I may be in my 40's but my biological age is about 17 so I guess that's from whence it stems.  But if you bear with me, it is all part of the theme.

So I'm riding to work today and it's the first time I've been a ble to ride in a week.  Between picking up kids, dirivng to my two college classes, bad weather and other mishaps this has just been a dismal riding season.  It started out really well as I posted on January 15 but since then I haven't been able to keep my riding up as much as I had hoped or planned.

So I figure I have two options -I can complain and moan about it or I can get up offa my thang and do something about it;

Smusic - Get up offa that thang .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine
                             (don't you love the nifty German intro?)
or for those purists among you who really only like the James Brown version;

So I have decided to devote myself a bit more to actually riding my bicycle and getting into shape and so I'm gonna "Get up offa that thang"!    I did just that as I climbed up Stillwell Lane.  I was able to take in all the trees as they were budding, the gullies caused by erosion, and I rmember thinking, "This is what Emily is talking about in Our Town! - You have to experience life every, every moment!" 

So we don't have to be poets OR saints, just observe life around us and try to savor it as its happening.  I had one of those moments the other day at Oliver rehearsal - it was just so precious to watch my children learning a dance routine and seeing them help each other and I thought, "wow, this is why I'm doing this even though I'm only the set dressing - I get to see this and get to see them helping each other and they don't even know I'm watching."  Ahhhh, its the little things.  So we have to just appreciate what we have and how we can give back to the world.  Our hair is growing back from St. Baldrick's but it doesn't mean that we stop trying to help others.  If we can just enjoy the giving, that is the most important thing.  In this crazy economy, we don't all have the money we might want to give, but what we can give is our time and ourselves!

In terms of giving and supporting Sunrise, we did have a bit of a set back since the last posting


It looks like this year's Victory Ride will not be held after all.  After trying to work out a negotiation with another group that was also hosting a bicycle event for Sunrise Day Camp they decided to go on their own  for reasons that still aren't clear.  Unfortunately, we didn't find this out until 22nd and so it was far too late for us to be able to organize our own event before June with all the logistics and support it would take and the dates available to us.   So, although we won't be holding our own event, we are going to encourage all of you CA fans to ride in the cycling event for Miles for Matt as all the cycling event proceeds will go to Sunrise.  As soon as I find out when that is I will let you all know!

What else can I tell you?  Oh yes, we are having our first fundraiser TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!!!
(or if you're more of a Patch reader, you can go here) It is the first of what we hope will be many grassroots fundraisers for CA.  We are a little less than $6,000 away from our goal so EVERY little bit helps us immensely!  We're still looking for sponsors so we can reach or goal so if you find any (OR IF YOU ARE ONE) potential sponsors - please send them our way!


Stay Well and I'll see you on the road!

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