Today was an amazing day! You remember who saves the earth and all of humankind at the end of The Terminator?
Okay, well, not really the character Linda Hamilton played in the movie. Although I am thinking of another Sarah Connor that might save the earth some day. Perhaps the one we see in this little movie; Today was definitely an amazing day for our beautiful little girl. As many of you know, Sarah has had a rough year this year. Between school not really being challenging enough and all of the other angst that being prepubescent holds (not to mention some of the bullying she's been subjected to) its been a really rough ride for her. Its hard for her to remember that she is special and that its okay to think differently than those around you. Even in fifth grade its not easy to be a nonconformist. Its hard to think differently than others and to still feel like your special.
Well, this day was for her. We rode the train in (always a treat for the kids) and met Myna and Papa on the train (another treat) then we went into the city and rode the subway (again a treat). Then we finally made our way to the New York Headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Well, this day was for her. We rode the train in (always a treat for the kids) and met Myna and Papa on the train (another treat) then we went into the city and rode the subway (again a treat). Then we finally made our way to the New York Headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Myna, Papa, Sarah, James and I made it pretty well unscathed through the metal detectors although I was glad I had on clean socks since we had to remove our shoes, belts, and anything else that might have metal in it. Amy and William had gone to Duane Reade on Broadway inbetween Duane and Reade Streets to get some cough medicine. They got caught in the big throng of people trying to get into the event and it took them forever to clear the detector.
But we finally made it to the top for a magnificient sun drenched view from the 30th floor! The kids were in heaven as they had refreshments ready for us. James even got to see the Statue of Liberty - which really made his day. The official photographer took a picture of the family and then we finally went in to where the ceremony would take place. Of course, William fairly early on announced "I'm Bored!" while James began reading his Geronimo Stilton book. I gave William my phone to play "Dig Dug" but ultimately ended up "fighting" with him because of his enthusiasm. Its just bad form to yell "yeah! awesome" when an elder of the Iroquois Nation is talking about how the environment is being destroyed by human activity. In the end he decided he wanted to listen. He paid attention long enough for Sarah to get her award (as you see in the video at :59). Then back to Dig Dug!
But we finally made it to the top for a magnificient sun drenched view from the 30th floor! The kids were in heaven as they had refreshments ready for us. James even got to see the Statue of Liberty - which really made his day. The official photographer took a picture of the family and then we finally went in to where the ceremony would take place. Of course, William fairly early on announced "I'm Bored!" while James began reading his Geronimo Stilton book. I gave William my phone to play "Dig Dug" but ultimately ended up "fighting" with him because of his enthusiasm. Its just bad form to yell "yeah! awesome" when an elder of the Iroquois Nation is talking about how the environment is being destroyed by human activity. In the end he decided he wanted to listen. He paid attention long enough for Sarah to get her award (as you see in the video at :59). Then back to Dig Dug!
However the best part for Sarah was after the ceremony was all over. There were 40 different recipients of awards today but Sarah was the only child (at least in attendance)! As a result, almost everyone wanted their picture taken with Sarah. Even when she was getting her award, all of these people were coming up and taking pictures while she was getting her plaque - people we had no idea who they were! This pretty much kept up until we left the building. People wanted to shake her hand and kept telling her how she was the future! See - she will be the Sarah Connor that saves the world!!!!
Then we started walking towards dinner and we stopped by a memorial that was built to commemorate the African graveyard that was uncovered when they were digging the foundation for the federal building that currently houses the EPA Regional office. (check it out here at ) Anyway, there were a group from the High School for Film and Media Arts there looking at the iconography and taking photos. Anyway, once again people wanted to film the kids! These students just fell in love with our kids and one of them asked if she could take a picture with them. Then the advisor said, "maybe you'll see them in our yearbook next year!" I mean, I know my children are beautiful and all but really?
The rest of the day was pretty much a blur - dinner at the Vietnamese restaurant. A walk through Chinatown to get to the subway. Carvel ice cream at Penn Station and a train ride home. We ended the evening with video watching (what else?) Planet Earth. All in all it was a great day to be a parent - to see your child accomplish something that will last her entire lifetime, to accomplish something that many adults never achieve in their life, to see your child become the future of the planet. I hope she remembers this day and this feeling and the fact that no matter what the mean girls say - she is an incredibly special young lady - AN ENVIRONMENTAL ROCK STAR!
Stay well and oh yes, I WILL see you on the road!
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