Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back to Work!

So today was the first day back at good old SHS! Its been nearly two weeks since we were last here and its 80 degrees outside! So given everything that has gone on in my life in the last two weeks I was going to ride today, come Hell or High Water!

So I left this morning thinking "who in the heck said it was going to be warm this morning?!?!" as my legs and fingers kept getting colder and colder. But as I warmed up I started having a better ride and my legs felt strong. However, I couldn't get David and Aunt Janice out of my head. As I was freezing I kept thinking, "yeah, but its nothing compared to what her treatments were like!" After that I decided I needed to do one thing - HAMMER! I just had to get it out, and get out the anger and the tears and the frustration I've been feeling and continue to feel.

I also have been dealing with a lot of guilt because to be quite honest I've done none of the work this break that I was supposed to do. I didn't do the rehearsal calendar, I didn't do my admin work, I didn't do the grading I was going to do, didn't do the boys' science fair projects and didn't do the work around the house. I'm really not sure what I did becuase the time was just gone. I would like to think that maybe I just got sucked into some black hole void but I know that's not true becuase all of this really did happen.

So, yeah, I'm back at school and the classes have been going okay. It's also hard to get the momentum back due to the fact that our week before the vacation was truncated by the evacuation because of asbestos. So we've all had 13 days of vacation and nobody is really motivated to get to work. It sort of stinks since the end of the marking period is next week! But getting to work has been helpful and being surrounded by my kids has been a great tonic. When I opened my office door this morning there was a line of about ten kids ready to give me a hug and they've been doing it periodically all day. When people ask me why I want to be a school teacher, this is the reason - because they give back as much as they get!

Callbacks for Merchant of Venice are today so I'll be busy throughout and then I get to get outside and ride home! Since Amy's picking up the kids I'll take the long way home and try to HAMMER a few more hills! It'll be more difficult since I'll be carrying lots in my backpack but that'll just add to the sufferfest - and maybe that'll take my mind off the pain for a while.

11 days until the Victory Ride! I can hardly believe it! I just hope we can get some more riders for the event. I would be very happy if we could just get 40 people to ride with us. Right now we only have 9 so I hope we can get more to join us. SO IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND YOU LIVE ON LONG ISLAND - SIGN UP! We really need you!

That's all for now. Stay well and I'll see you on the road!

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