Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sobs and 4 More Days!

So all the literature warns that when you're dealing with loss the emotional changes between stages of grief can come unexpectedly and leave you on an emotional roller coaster. That was certainly the case today. I had been having an okay ride into school when I finally pulled up to the door for school. Suddenly out of nowhere I started sobbing and couldn't stop for a good five minutes. I don't know why. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular, it just started up. I then pulled myself together and by the time I had to go to teach my first period class I was manic and bouncing off the walls.

However, since then its been a pretty good day. I've gotten some good news on the internship front - it looks like things are going to work out really well and I'm excited about the district internship. Maybe someday when I grow up I'll be a real boy, umm, I mean I'll move on to being a coordinator.

AAAAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDDDD, ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS UNTIL THE VICTORY RIDE! As of this morning we have 15 riders (although I have verbal commitments from about six more riders) and we've collected about $2500 in pledges - almost enough for 1/2 a camper! With any luck we can collect another $3500 and that would get another camper to experience a great summer at Camp Sunrise!

So, if ANY of you have been sitting on the fence about riding with us, now is the time to go online to my website (the link is to your right) and click on the "Victory Ride" link and come join us! You'll be giving a lucky child a great gift and you'll do something great for yourself at the same time!

Sooooo, stay well and I'll see you on the road!

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