Thursday, September 9, 2010

And The World Spins Madly On!

So we just survived the first "week" of school, just two days of instruction before the Rosh Hashanah break (Happy New Year, or  ראש השנה‎ for those of you who observe this wonderful day).

Its at this time of the year that I find myself the saddest of anytime at all.  At the beginning of the year I always expect to see the familiar faces that I have watched grow up over the past four years and invariably they are always gone - my seniors who have entered out into the world to start their fantastic journeys.  I catch up with them sometimes on facebook but its not the same.  What is even worse is that almost every year I see many of their "mini mes";
No, not this guy!
all around the hall.  I swear the other day I saw a little Jaime Diamond, a little Aimee DeShayes and a mini Morgan Grant.  Many of you reading this will have no idea who those people were but I remember.  They're all filed away in my memory and I see these young faces at this time of the year and it reminds me of all the wonderful students who have passed across this stage at Syosset High School and have been in so many productions.  Then I find myself going to the ACT Show Gallery to see pictures of these guys in action back in the day.  And I look at the pictures and I wax reminiscent and I thank God for the job I have that has allowed me to have such incredible young people in my life.  Yes, the move on and go their ways and some of them stay in touch and even become pen pals (yes, I'm talking to you Danielle and Emily) and some of them drop me a line every now and then but I still miss them all.  And yet, the world spins madly on (another reminder of past graduates - Heather Burian introduced me to this tune, one that has become a favorite);

The Weepies - World Spins Madly On .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

So I listen to my music, look at my pictures and smile knowing that part of me is wandering the wide world with my young friends.

But, speaking of wandering the wide world - WE ARE HOPING TO START SENDING OUT LETTERS TO POTENTIAL SPONSORS AND WE NEED FOLLOWERS.  So, if you're reading this now and you haven't already signed up to be a sponsor - WHY NOT???????  Please sign up today and send out an e-mail, facebook, twitter inviting others to join.  Tell them they don't even need to read it, just sign up to follow it.  There is power in numbers and Amy and I would like to approach sponsors and tell them that we have 1,000 followers on our blog and growing - HELP US REACH OUR GOAL!

Okay, that's it for now.  I'm going to get my bicycle ready to ride tomorrow.  I'm hoping to get out and get some pictures of her to post here for all of you - keep checking back.  And to all my former students out there - I miss you guys more than you'll ever know!

Stay well and look for me on the road!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you too C!!! Love reading your blog to be able to keep up with you and the family!
