Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shameless Promotion Month

And how much your support has meant to me?  My friends and family are what have helped me get through so much in the last year from losing two family members to being flattened by a car door during one of my best rides ever you have helped me so much.

I've never been one to toot my own horn:
Robert Paterson - Fanfare for Trumpet Sextet .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine
and I'm really not sure I'll be able to do a good job of it now.  You see, I don't really do what I do for the accolades.  I guess I never really have.  Even when I've danced or acted and received compliments for my performance I always feel a little humbled that people actually like what I do.  I've always considered performing to be a priviledge and the fact that people applaud you (and sometimes pay you) to do it has always seemd to me to be such a great blessing.  Which is why I miss it so much sometimes.  Not the applause, just the ability to be able to do it.  Granted, those of you who knew me when I stopped performing will remember it differently - I was very bitter about getting so close to a Broadway/Production contract so many times in a short space of time that I was just ready to throw in the towel.  I guess I may have thrown it in way too early.  But then again, had I not done so, I would not know all the wonderful people I do now, nor would I have been touched in the many ways that I have been by my students.

But, this is about something totally different.  I see that I'm getting more and more followers to this blog and I thank each and every one of you - BUT WE NEED MORE!!!!  You see, we are now in the process of starting to solicit sponsors for our cross country ride to raise money for Sunrise Day Camp.  We really won't be able to do it without sponsors - corporations and investors who will put forth the money to defray the costs of the trip.  We figure that its going to cost about $15,000 and we can possibly come up with $5,000 of it but the other $10,000 we need to raise.  Now, rest assured if we don't spend all the money that sponsors donate we are going to give it all to Sunrise so the money will ultimately be going to the children.

However, we need LOTS AND LOTS OF FOLLLOWERS so when we approach these potential corporate sponsors we can show them that their investment will have some exposure.  We're also VERY open to suggestions about promoting our cause - SHAMELESSLY SO (after all, it is Shameless Promotion Month).

So, if any of you have any ideas, please send them to us because we have to raises the $10,000 by February if we are going to be able to do this.

Stay well and I hope to see you on the road in order to benefit the kids.

1 comment:

  1. You should try to get an interview on News 12 or an article in Newsday. Also, you should look into doing something on YouTube (not that I'm biased or anything). The only other thing I can think of is to talk to Mr. Steinberg to get the high school's bike club involved and then try to gain the support of bike clubs at Hofstra, Post, etc. Good luck Connor!!!
