Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Beat Me with a Wet Noodle!

Well all I have to say is mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Here it is the Wednesday of "Bike to Work Week" and I'm just now riding my bike to school. To be honest, Monday wasn't practical because this is the week of the show (at long last The Merchant of Venice appears at good old SHS!) and I was at school until 9:00 at night. Now while that isn't normally a problem, with it being pitch black and me knowing I would be dog tired, I wimped out and decided to drive. My wife heartily approved that message.

On Tuesday it rained like cats and dogs so riding that day was out of the question as well. Again, riding on the bike at 9:00 at night while it is pouring outside is not the ideal situation for a safe commute - especially when I'm tired from my usual 14 hour day and not at my best with reaction time.

So that brings me to today - MY FIRST DAY RIDING TO WORK! it was not my best ride in and I knew I wasn't going to be riding home but I had a great time. Just to be able to stretch my legs and climb the hills - even if it was on the Frankenbike!

Actually I've come to realize that the Frankenbike is a great one for a straight commute there and back. It takes up the shock of the road really well, it's stable and more forgiving on the bumpy Long Island roads. Its a bit heavier on the climbs but on the straight aways, once I get my momentum up my average mph is about the same! So I think Pearl (that's what I call her, for she's old but fast and, well, she's black) is becoming my commuting bike of habit while Betty (again, she's newer, faster and, well, black) is more for riding with the club, charity events and centuries.

But I digress, what else is new? So, Bike to Work Week is not going as swimmingly as I originally had hoped and after all that build up I deserve to be beaten with a wet noodle (hence the title and fun photo - NO CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THE VISUAL ART). However, the show is going amazingly well and I plan to ride a lot more this week so come see the show and witness for yourself the fact that Shakespeare is alive and well in Syosset, NY!

Stay well and I'll see you on the road!

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