Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ride YOUR Bike to Work Month

Okay, its out of hand! Did you know that the merry month of May is full of all sorts of fun celebrations? http://www.brownielocks.com/may.html

It makes one want to cavort in a meadow and happily celebrate Beltaine!

(yes, the above is from an actual Beltaine Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland)

And yet, for those of us who don't find ourselves in a Celtic based environment, this seasonal celebration found many of us doing other things. Fortunately for me, it was still spent joyously celebrating nature as I mowed my lawn and reseeded the front! But I did get to experience the excitement of Sarah coming in as the winning run (see previous post) in her softball game.

May seems to be the month for many interesting National (United States, that is) observations and celebrations. Did you know that this week is Bread Pudding Recipe exchange week? Here's my favorite: http://www.momswhothink.com/easy-recipes/bread-pudding-recipe.html from an old Amish recipe. Its also Teacher Appreciation week, National Anxiety & Depression Awareness Week, National Hug Holiday Wek, Kids Win Week, National Wildflower Week, Update Your References Week and Intimate Apparel Market Week (also observed in February 1-4, August 2-5 and November 1-4, apparently you can't have enough). Its also Dating and Life Coach Recognition Week. So, if you have a dating coach that has helped you up your supply of intimate apparel, you should definitely recognize them appreciate all they've done for you.

But what really gets me excited about this month is that it is NATIONAL BIKE MONTH!!!!!!! May 17-21 is National Bike to Work Week and May 21 is NATIONAL BIKE TO WORK DAY!!!!!! I love this month. Not only because of the fact that May 20 marks the day I became married to my lovely bride Amy, my birthday is on the 27th. In terms of gifts, I like gift cards to Performancebike.com - in case you were wondering.

But its also when you need to get out and bike!!!!!! Enjoy it, whether its your first time on a bike (and please be advised, the following has happened to me many times - well, not recently, but I did once run into a parked car);

(I honestly can't tell you if any children were harmed in the making of this video)

or, if you are a seasoned pro whose been riding for many years;

I think the point is to get out on your bike, find a reason to ride and do it!!!! Dust off that bike that's been collecting rust for far too long and clean it up, lube it up and go for it - even if its a for a ride around the block! Or racing a sports car

I for one have many reasons to ride - my sisters, my mother, the kids at Sunrise Day Camp, my brother David and for all of those who fight against cancer! I'm riding in the rain these days, I'm riding in the heat and I'm riding in the cold! Do you have to be as insane? No, but just tell yourself you'll look for every opportunity to get out and get on your bike - to go to the grocery store, to rund various other errands, ride to work, ride to practice, ride to school - just ride. And as you do it, remember there are so many others who can't ride right now, and then pedal just a little bit harder for them.

Stay well and I WILL see you out there!

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