Friday, May 28, 2010

Jose Say Can You See?

So tonight was my second annual outing as the conductor for the Ocean Avenue Elementary Traveling Youth Choir (OAETYC). Okay, so it's not really an official group but its fun to say it. It really is a fun experience despite all the child wrangling - actually, that's the biggest part of the experience, aside from learning what key the kids will sing in (this year it's the key of D) so that the low notes aren't too low for the girls and the high notes aren't too high for the boys.

But its a great experience for the kids, they all gather around the microphone like an old time bluegrass band (only with 24 members);

Now granted, except for last year and this year I haven't conducted since the class I had to take in High School in Ansbach but some of the skills I've picked up from the various choirs and shows I've been in came in handy in reminding me how to conduct. It may not have had the effect on the audience that it had on Danny Glover in Angels in the Outfield;

But it's always a great experience for the kids as they sounded great and they were broadcast live up on the jumbotron television out in right center field! (and no, nobody ACTUALLY said "Jose can you see?" and yes, if you look closely, that's Adrian Brody playing the befuddled baseball player). The kids then went on to have a great time as we all enjoyed the ball park fare and watched the ducks pull out a 3-2 win. The top of the ninth inning was great as we were all up on our feet watching the Ducks get the Maryland Bluecrabs out 1-2-3!

We then went home and dragged the kids up to bed. Me? I'm going to go prepare for my first ride with the Open/AA ride in two months! Wish me luck. Its not a matter of WILL I get dropped - it's a matter of WHEN!

Stay well and if you're on the road tomorrow - HONK! Or better yet, QUACK real loud!

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